How long is the Inca Trail

One of the riches of Peru is undoubtedly Cusco, the navel of the world and a region steeped in Inca history.  This is exactly what we are going to do by describing the road that the Incas used to follow

Cusco to Machu Picchu distance

The shortest distance between Cusco and Machu-Picchu is 45.12 mi (72.61 km). The most common and frequent way is by train, which can depart from Cusco or Ollantaytambo.  The train trips from Cusco are longer, approximately 4 hours.  From Ollantaytambo is shorter, 1 hour and 30 minutes, after traveling from Cusco by land, the trip takes approximately 2 hours.

However, the Inca Trail is the route where more is known about the history of the Incas and all the ways they had to communicate by walking; being one of the most important trekking routes in South America.  This is due to its original Inca architecture, the archaeological remains along the way and the natural mix of jungle and cloud forest along the route

The Inca Trail

The Inca Trail is an unforgettable experience that will leave an indelible mark on your life. You will live moments you never thought possible. Discover with our Inca Trail Luxury Trek 4 Days the ancient route that the Incas traveled from Cusco to the enigmatic and magical citadel of Machu Picchu. Surrounded by breathtaking mountain scenery, you will uncover settlements, tunnels, and numerous Inca ruins along the way.

How was the Inca Trail built

While the Inca Trail network was built upon existing roads, some of which were built centuries before, many of the routes were added and upgraded to meet the needs of the flourishing Inca Empire. 

As mentioned, the Incas crafted it—in many cases, atop existing paths—with a series of stone structures roughly nine miles apart. Called tambos, they were motels, military checkpoints, and supply hubs rolled into one.

How long does it take to hike Machu Picchu?

There are a number of trekking routes along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. However, there are a variety of days. The Classic Inca Trail route is a 3- to 5-day hike, and on average, it takes 4 days and 3 nights to reach Machu Picchu

The distances involved in hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu are not that great. The entire 4-day trail hike is only 25 miles (40 km). However, the altitude, which at its highest point is 13,776 ft or 4200m, can be a little strong even for the strongest hikers

Inca Trail Length

The classic Inca Trail Route is 43 km (26 mi) long and often steep, you will hike over four days at an elevation nearing 13,828 feet (4,215 meters). Although rated moderate, the relentless uphill (and downhill) hiking is tough

How is to Climb Machu Picchu

The most used way to climb Machu Picchu is with the bus that is offered at many hours of the day, depending on the hours of the trains; however, there are people who walk up from Aguas Calientes which takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes

On the other hand, the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is a hiking route of moderate difficulty. There are very demanding mountainous sections but there are also very simple descending sections surrounded by incredible nature. Most visitors like this type of hike. However, people who are not in good physical condition can also do the route

So, how long is the trek to Machu Picchu?

As mentioned, the distances involved in hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu are not that great. The entire 4-day trail hike is only 25 miles (40 km). However, the altitude, which at its highest point is 13,776 ft or 4200m, can cause problems even for the strongest hikers. For this reason, is suggested to spend at least a few days at high altitude in order to acclimatize before embarking on the Inca Trail hike

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